Expertise & Services


 Our Services

Speaking Engagements

Our Speaking Engagements Include:

  • Keynote Addresses

  • Commencement Speeches

  • Invited Talks

  • Panel Discussions


Our Workshop Offering include:

  • Self-Discovery and Empowerment

  • Building Community Connections

  • Leadership and Influence

  • Creative Problem-Solving

  • Mindfulness and Well-being


Our customized trainings Include:

  • Customized Content to your team needs

  • Leadership Development

  • Skills Enhancement training

  • Problem-Solving Strategies



Our consultancy services seek to:

  • Tailor Solutions for Your Organization

  • Empowering Stakeholders

  • Develop Programs and Strategies



First-generation/Low-income College Students

First-generation/low-income (FGLI) college students have long been integral to the landscape of higher education in the United States, marking their presence across a spectrum of institutions, from public colleges to elite private universities. Drawing from a wealth of personal experiences as a team of former FGLI students combined with extensive expertise in the field, Will Anyu Speaks delves into the nuanced realities faced by FGLI students within the American higher education system.

With a focus on evidence-based insights, our talks and workshops meticulously unpack the myriad challenges encountered by FGLI students—ranging from navigating imposter syndrome and cultural shocks to confronting feelings of alienation and a host of other barriers. More critically, these sessions not only spotlight the obstacles but also illuminate effective strategies and proven methods to surmount these hurdles, fostering a deeper understanding of FGLI students' unique positions within their academic communities.

By leveraging data, our talks and workshops brings to light the resilience and potential of FGLI students, offering invaluable guidance and support to help them thrive in environments that often seem designed to exclude them. Through this dedicated approach, the firm empowers FGLI students to not only navigate their collegiate journey with confidence but also to redefine their sense of belonging and identity within the higher education landscape.

Transitioning from College to Corporate

Will Anyu Speaks offers a compelling solution for colleges and universities seeking to ease their undergraduate students' transition into the corporate world. Recognizing the tumultuous journey many students face as they leave the sheltered environment of academia, Will Anyu Speaks provides curated speeches and workshops designed specifically to address the challenges of this transition.

Through insightful presentations and interactive sessions, Will Anyu Speaks helps students understand and overcome the uncertainties and anxieties that accompany the move from undergraduate studies to corporate America. With a focus on practical strategies and resources, students gain the confidence and clarity they need to navigate job searches, career decisions, financial responsibilities, and other critical aspects of adult life.

By collaborating with colleges and universities, Will Anyu Speaks aims to empower students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the professional world. By leveraging their expertise and experience, Will Anyu Speaks offers tailored support to help institutions support their students' successful transition into the workforce. Engage with Will Anyu Speaks today to equip your undergraduate students for success beyond the classroom.

Rethinking Diversity, Equity, Belonging & Inclusion

We offer compelling keynotes, workshops, and training sessions to colleges/universities, non-profits, & corporate entities seeking to revolutionize their approach to diversity, equity, belonging, and inclusion (DEBI). With a profound understanding of these vital concepts, Dr. Anyu brings a fresh perspective that challenges conventional thinking and fosters meaningful dialogue.

As a respected scholar in the field, Will Anyu has dedicated extensive study to DEBI, allowing for a nuanced understanding of its impact on all aspects of society. Through thought-provoking workshops and engaging talks, audiences are encouraged to explore DEBI in both their professional and personal lives, gaining valuable insights and strategies for creating more inclusive environments.

Dr. Anyu's curated activities go beyond surface-level discussions, encouraging participants to step into others' shoes and empathize with different perspectives. By addressing implicit biases and promoting uncomfortable conversations, Dr. Anyu inspires individuals to embrace diversity and actively work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

Networking 101

Looking to empower your team or organization with the essential skill of effective networking? Look no further than Will Anyu Speaks. With a proven track record and personal success story built on the power of networking, Dr. Anyu is dedicated to sharing his expertise and insights with others.

Networking isn't just for the select few—it's a skill that anyone can develop and master. Through engaging keynotes, interactive workshops, and comprehensive training sessions, Dr. Anyu provides practical strategies and techniques to help individuals and teams unlock the full potential of networking.

Whether your goal is to land that dream job, secure valuable partnerships, or expand your professional circle, Dr. Anyu tailored approach equips participants with the tools they need to thrive in today's interconnected world. By investing in networking skills, you're investing in the future success of your organization or team.

Don't miss the opportunity to collaborate with Will Anyu Speaks and take your networking game to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about our customizable programs and how we can support your goals.

Sense of Belonging

Will Anyu Speaks offers compelling keynotes, workshops, and training sessions designed to help colleges/universities, non-profits, and corporate companies delve into the crucial concept of Sense of Belonging. Drawing from Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, which places belonging as a fundamental aspect of human fulfillment, Dr. Anyu emphasizes the importance of understanding and nurturing this need.

With a dissertation centered around Sense of Belonging, Dr. Anyu brings both academic rigor and practical insights to their sessions. They firmly believe that once individuals grasp what truly matters to them, they can make better decisions for themselves and their communities.

Using evidence-based research, Dr. Anyu guides diverse audiences through a journey of self-discovery, helping them identify and cultivate their sense of belonging. Through engaging talks and interactive workshops, Dr. Anyu empowers participants to not only recognize their own belonging but also to foster inclusive environments where everyone feels valued and accepted.

Book Dr. Will Anyu for your next event today.